Editor's note: The crime news reported by the Southwest Chicago Post---taken directly from Chicago Police Department incident reports---is not by any means an exhaustive catalogue of all crime reported in the Chicago Lawn (8th) District. For example, it typically does not include news of crimes committed in the eastern and southern sectors of the district---because the Southwest Chicago Post's coverage area is primarily the neighborhoods that border Midway Airport and secondarily because including the relatively large volume of crime news from elsewhere in the district would be a logistical challenge. We make this note to offer a little helpful perspective and remind everyone that while crime is definitely a concern in all parts of the district (as it always has been), crime remains relatively low overall in Sector 1. May all of us work together diligently to keep it that way. May all of us also remember that a person charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
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Hearst area man shot on sidewalk
A 46-year-old Hearst area man was shot in the face as he stood on a sidewalk in front of 4631 S. Leamington at 5:57 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 17. The victim told police that he was walking home when he heard two shots fired and immediately felt pain near his upper lip. He was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital in stable condition. He said the shots were fired from a small, dark-colored van, which then sped away south on Leamington.
Woman robbed outside Brighton Park business
A 37-year-old Little Village woman on her way to work was robbed at gunpoint as she got out of her vehicle outside La Guadalupana, 4647 S. Archer, at 5:50 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 21. She told police that two men accosted her and pushed her against her vehicle. One robber held a pistol to her side while the other, speaking in Spanish, demanded her money. They patted her down and stole her purse, which contained her cell phone and car keys, among other items. The offenders ran away east through an alley. They were described only as Hispanic men about 5-foot-10 and 180 pounds.
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Want to work directly with Chicago Police to prevent crime in your neighborhood? If you live in Beat 815 or 821 (see map), come to St. Bruno School (south entrance) at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 3 and attend your monthly CAPS meeting. Hear updates on crime in your neighborhood and learn how you can work with neighbors and police to make the community safer and better for all.
Man robbed in alley behind Pulaski
A 25-year-old Chicago Lawn man was robbed at gunpoint in the alley behind 6234 S. Pulaski at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19. The victim told police that a man approached him, asking for money. When the victim said he did not have any, the offender brandished a pistol and stole his white Guess-brand jacket and fled north through the alley. The victim said the jacket’s packets held his cell phone, credit cards, ID cards and $800 cash. The offender was described as a Hispanic man age 20-30, about 5-foot-8 and 180 pounds, with a dark complexion.
Big heist in building on Cicero
Burglars broke into a warehouse at 5001 S. Cicero (years ago, a Thom McAn shoe store) and stole more than 150 tires valued at $20,000, as well as about 50 wheels, and various car batteries, catalytic converters, car stereos and assorted tools. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 29-year-old Naperville man, at 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 18, who also told police that his motor home that had been parked on the property also was stolen.
Burglars steal power tools from garage
Burglars forced open the service door of a garage near 60th and Central Park and stole assorted power tools, as well as a car jack and two grass trimmers. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 36-year-old woman, at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21.
Bedroom window is entry for burglars
Burglars pried open the bedroom window of a home near 52nd and Kostner and stole assorted jewelry and $200 cash. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 34-year-old woman, at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21.
Burglars ransack garage, vandalize car
Burglars kicked in the service door of a garage near 53rd and Avers and stole a generator, two air compressors, a lawn mower, a snow blower, a weed trimmer, a portable heater and a large assortment of power tools. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 39-year-old man, at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19. The victim’s car, parked inside, was scratched by the burglars.
iPad stolen from garage
Burglars kicked in the service door of a garage near 56th and Karlov and stole an iPad. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 38-year-old woman, at 7 a.m. Friday, Jan. 22.
TV, video games stolen in burglary
Burglars forced open the rear door of a home near 64th Place and Laramie and stole two TVs and a video game console with games. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 45-year-old woman, at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19.
Unlocked door key to crime
Burglars entered the unlocked service door of a garage near 68th and Keeler and stole a snow blower, two propane tanks, a radio and assorted tools. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 41-year-old man, at 8:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 1.
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Editor's note: We respect your opinion and are privileged to share it via this website. All letters to the editor will
be reviewed before being posted. We do allow anonymous comments, yet we will not allow the Southwest Chicago Post to serve as a forum for bigotry of any kind. We also will not allow personal attacks against anyone, including elected officials and other public figures. On this site, all of us need to keep our tone respectful and our criticisms constructive. That's important as we work together to build better Southwest Side neighborhoods for all. So please join the conversation by sending your letter to editor@swchicagopost.com.
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With the manner in which all of the stories about police shooting incidents are being reported and rehashed, the effect on the quality of service being rendered can not in any manner be seen as being a positive. Having to perform even what would be considered to be everyday, routine and elementary of functions takes on a whole aura of seriousness when the scrutiny by all is intensified to approximate that of being under a microscope.
As a result, cops throughout the city and suburbs are bound to be overcautious and less proactive in a typical daily tour of duty. And what would be the inevitable result? No doubt the streets will be a little less safe than before. Ironically, those high-crime communities, who need the police presence the most, will suffer the greatest.
The situation has gotten to the point where the Chicago Police Department will have to change its long-standing slogan that appears on the doors of every marked vehicle. Instead of the familiar: "We Serve and Protect", we're suggesting a change to: "We Take Reports."
John T. "Red" Ryan
Garfield Ridge
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I see that you promoted the St. Joseph School open house on your Facebook page, but I see nothing about my parish, St. Dan's. Why are you playing favorites?
Editor's reply: No favorites at all. We gladly give free plugs to local schools that ask for it. St. Joe's asked, so we did. St. Dan's has not asked, so we haven't. It's that simple, really.
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Thank you for reporting on the Garfield Ridge Neighborhood Watch's plans for 2016. I agree with them that they should get back to basics. I think their meetings should be more about reporting exactly what's going on in the neighborhood, in terms of crime, and what they are doing about it, rather than spending time and energy on this guest speaker or that politician who's only going to come to the meeting and b.s. us anyway.
Editor's reply: Some guest speakers at past GRNW meetings have been well received because they provide useful and even potentially life-saving information. Examples would be CPD Officers Mark Eldridge and Chris Barajas, who offered solid advice about crime prevention, and OEMC official Melana Gonzales Raehl, who offered some outstanding advice on how to make an effective call to 911.
# # #
The Garfield Ridge Neighborhood Watch plans to fight crime
in 2016 with a “back to basics” approach of tire treads and shoe leather, the group announced earlier this week.
“We have no new initiatives to unveil,” said GRNW President Al Cacciottolo. “That’s because we are re-discovering our roots and re-focusing on what works, what we’ve done successfully since Day One: simply patrolling our neighborhood’s streets, alleys and parks.”
The announcement was made at the group’s January meeting, held at the firehouse at 56th and Narragansett. More than 40 men and women, mostly GRNW members, turned out on one of the coldest nights of the year.
Cacciottolo said that while GRNW members patrol year round, at different times on all days of the week, relatively few of the group’s 110 members are currently patrolling. He chalked that up to complacency caused by Garfield Ridge’s relatively low crime numbers, which he said are even lower than they were five years ago.
“Our members who are not currently patrolling need to get active again—during the day, the evening, walking, jogging, riding your bike, walking your dog, in your car. We need to be out in the streets to be extra sets of eyes and ears for the police,” he said.
He also called upon Garfield Ridge residents who are not GRNW members to open their eyes and ears, as well, and call 911 promptly to report anything suspicious. Those who are not comfortable calling 911 are encouraged to call the GRNW’s tip line at 1-855-811-TIPS (8477) to report situations that may need attention.
“The police we have out here are phenomenal,” Cacciottolo said. “You see any call for help, any call to 911 to report something in progress, and you see six squads coming fast and from all directions. But they can’t do it alone, so we need to do all we can to work with them and support their efforts.”
Patrolling is simple, added GRNW Secretary Michele
Doherty, noting that the group provides guidance.
“Also, we are developing specific tasks for people on patrol,” she said at the meeting. “So if you’re one of those people who doesn’t like to just walk or drive up and down streets, we can give you a task. We will tailor the opportunity to your schedule, your availability and your likes.”
She added that GRNW members on patrol look for and report much more than what may be crimes in progress. Members look for things that are suspicious, like open garage doors, as well as “quality of life” details that need to be called in and addressed—like graffiti, burned-out streetlights, potholes, obstructed street signs and more.
Also at the meeting, Cacciottolo sounded a note of caution
about believing information posted on Facebook and other forms of social media.
“Some of these people on Facebook, they listen to the police scanner and they post information online the minute they hear it,” he said. “The problem is, what is broadcast on the scanner often turns out later to be very different from what actually happened—or didn’t happen—on the street. But by that time, they get people whipped up on Facebook, and many of them go away believing the initial report without hearing what the facts were.”
As an example, he said that something initially reported over the scanner as gunshots turned out to be a car backfiring, but the unfounded rumor about gunfire persisted for days in the neighborhood.
As a bonus Monday-- while the weather was in the single
digits with a sub-zero windchill, the firehouse at 56th and Narragansett was warm inside. It also was friendly, thanks to firefighters who cooked and served hot chili for GRNW members and guests. The CFD crew also bought and served coffee and dessert. The appreciative GRNW audience applauded their efforts, and several individuals shared tales of local firefighters and paramedics going above and beyond the call of duty to serve the people of Garfield Ridge.
Founded in 2011 by three people fed up with crime in the area, the GRNW has grown in size and strength and has been credited with helping reduce crime in Garfield Ridge, long one of Chicago’s safest and best neighborhoods.
The GRNW is widely viewed as one of the most effective citizen-led crime prevention organizations in the city or suburbs
Born with assistance from the Clearing Night Force, the GRNW has helped start neighborhood watches in city neighborhoods as far away as Hegewisch and as close as West Elsdon, as well as in suburban areas like Central Stickney, Summit and Oak Lawn.
GRNW members on patrol do not pursue criminals or get directly involved with crimes in progress, but they do serve as extra sets of eyes and ears for police, providing direction that has helped police solve crimes in some cases and prevent others. Their toll-free tip line played a role in the capture several years ago of a man who attempted to rob a local Walgreens at knifepoint.
The next GRNW public meeting is set for 7 p.m. Monday, March 21 at a location that will be announced in the weeks ahead. Those interested in joining the group now are encouraged to send a message to email@garfieldridgenw.com.
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Editor's note: The crime news reported by the Southwest Chicago Post---taken directly from Chicago Police Department incident reports---is not by any means an exhaustive catalogue of all crime reported in the Chicago Lawn (8th) District. For example, it typically does not include news of crimes committed in the eastern and southern sectors of the district---because the Southwest Chicago Post's coverage area is primarily the neighborhoods that border Midway Airport and secondarily because including the relatively large volume of crime news from elsewhere in the district would be a logistical challenge. We make this note to offer a little helpful perspective and remind everyone that while crime is definitely a concern in all parts of the district (as it always has been), crime remains relatively low overall in Sector 1. May all of us work together diligently to keep it that way. May all of us also remember that a person charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
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Airline employee robbed on way to Midway
A 44-year-old Ohio woman employed by Southwest Airlines was robbed at gunpoint as she walked down a sidewalk in front of 4500 W. 59th St. at 3:45 a.m. Monday, Jan. 11. The victim told police that two men approached, flashed a handgun and demanded her phone. When she said she did not have one, they checked her pockets and stole $35 cash and fled east. The victim then walked to the airport and contacted police. The offenders were described as Hispanic men—one thin and wearing glasses, the other with a heavier build and a goatee, wearing a Chicago Blackhawks shirt.
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If you live in and/or own a business in CPD Beat 811 and want to help prevent crime in Garfield Ridge (west of Central Avenue), please attend the next meeting of the Garfield Ridge Neighborhood Watch, set for 7 p.m. Monday, January 18 at the CFD firehouse at 56th and Narragansett. The GRNW is one of Chicago's most active and effective citizen-led crime fighting groups. This is the group to join! This month's guest speaker is longtime Garfield Ridge resident Ed Leighton, who will share his experiences after having completed the Citizens Police Academy Training program offered by CPD. Overflow parking available in the Kennedy High School parking lot, a half-block to the south of the firehouse featured topic is fire safety. Those in attendance are in for a treat, literally, as they sample genuine CFD chili cooked in the firehouse by firefighters.
Boost Mobile store robbed at gunpoint
Two men robbed the Boost Mobile store at 8337 S. Pulaski at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 13. A 19-year-old clerk told police that the men entered, posing as customers but one soon brandished a pistol and ordered her to hand over her personal cell phone, which she did. They also stole an unknown amount of cell phones from the store, as well as $200 cash from the register. They then ordered the clerk to lie down on the floor; but she refused, saying she was pregnant. The robbers ran out the back door and were described by the clerk as black men age 16-28—one about 5-foot-7 and 150 pounds, the other about 5-foot-11 and 160 pounds, both wearing dark clothing.
Teen robbed in West Elsdon
A 17-year-old West Lawn boy was robbed at gunpoint by a quartet of men at 3:15 p.m. Monday, Jan. 11, as he waited near 56th and Tripp for his parents to pick him up from school. The victim told police that the robbers asked him about gang affiliation, and when he said he is not in a gang, they snatched his iPhone and sped away in a red Chevy Aveo. They were described as Hispanic men age 18-19.
Robbers end up empty-handed
A 20-year-old West Lawn man told police that three men tried to rob him at gunpoint outside his home near 68th and Lawndale at 12:20 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 14. The victim told police he was getting out of his vehicle when three men in a gray truck pulled up and demanded his belongings and asked him if he was in a gang. The man replied that he was not in a gang but merely coming home after work. He told police that he then successfully ran away and that the offenders drove away without firing a shot. Descriptions of the offenders were vague.
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Want to work directly with Chicago Police to prevent crime in your neighborhood? If you live in Beat 811 (see map), come to Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 19 and attend your monthly CAPS meeting. Hear updates on crime in your neighborhood and learn how you can work with neighbors and police to make the community safer and better for all. Bonus: 14th Ward Alderman Edward M. Burke is scheduled to attend and address concerns about crime in the beat.
Garage on Kildare burglarized
Burglars forced open the service door of a garage near 48th and Kildare and stole three air compressors, a snow blower, a press sure washer, a lawn mower, two power drills, two air conditioners, a vacuum cleaner, two nail guns and two propane tanks. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 35-year-old man, at 6 a.m. Friday, Jan. 15.
Tools and more swiped in burglary on Kolin
Burglars broke the locks off the service door of a garage near 63rd and Kolin and stole assorted tools, luggage, clothes, shoes and four auto tires. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 46-year-old woman, at 11 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 13.
Burglars take garage door opener
Burglars pried open the service door of a garage near 63rd Place and Oak Park, broke into a vehicle parked inside and stole an automatic garage door opener. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 33-year-old woman, at 6:45 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 14. Tracks in the snow indicated that the burglars were going from garage to garage on the block, the victim told police.
Power wheelchair stolen from garage
Burglars forced open the service door of a garage near 52nd and Sawyer and stole four speakers and a motorized wheelchair. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 26-year-old man, at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 13.
Snow blowers swiped from Garfield Ridge
Burglars entered a garage near 56th and Newcastle and stole two snow blowers. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 61-year-old man, at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12.
Air Jordans and more stolen
Burglars entered the rear door of a home near 85th and Tripp and stole a laptop computer, three pairs of Nike Air Jordans, a video game console, a DVD player and a gold necklace. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 31-year-old woman, at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12.
Burglars hit garage on Komensky
Burglars forced open the service door of a garage near 48th and Komensky and stole a weed trimmer, a snow blower, an air compressor and a box of tools. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 45-year-old man, at 9 a.m. Monday, Jan. 11.
Editor's note: The crime news reported by the Southwest Chicago Post---taken directly from Chicago Police Department incident reports---is not by any means an exhaustive catalogue of all crime reported in the Chicago Lawn (8th) District. For example, it typically does not include news of crimes committed in the eastern and southern sectors of the district---because the Southwest Chicago Post's coverage area is primarily the neighborhoods that border Midway Airport and secondarily because including the relatively large volume of crime news from elsewhere in the district would be a logistical challenge. We make this note to offer a little helpful perspective and remind everyone that while crime is definitely a concern in all parts of the district (as it always has been), crime remains relatively low overall in Sector 1. May all of us work together diligently to keep it that way. May all of us also remember that a person charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
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Came home from church, kicked during argument
A 66-year-old man coming home from church with his wife was kicked to the ground by two men during an argument over parking. The crime occurred at 6:10 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 9 behind the victim’s home neat 64th and Pulaski. The man told police that he knocked on a nearby door—where a party was underway—to ask if people there would remove two cars parked on his property. After asking a man to move his car, the victim turned away and was kicked in the waist. He fell to the ground and was kicked again by another man. Both then fled the scene, and the victim called 911. The attackers were described as Hispanic men age 21-24, 5-foot-11 and 180 pounds, with black hair and dark complexions. The victim refused medical attention, police added.
Pizza driver punched, robbed
A 41-year-old man delivering food for Domino’s Pizza, 5401 S. Harlem, was punched in the head and robbed at gunpoint by two thugs as he attempted to make a delivery in the 5100 block of South Sayre at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6. The victim told police that he was approached by a man exiting a dark blue Ford Mustang, and the man claimed it was his pizza and asked if the driver had change for a $100 bill. When the driver pulled out his cash wad to see, the offender grabbed a $20 bill and punched him in the head. At the same time, a second offender got out of the Mustang, holding a pistol. When the victim tried to run away, he was struck in the shoulder by the gun. The two criminals then stole his pizza, got in the Mustang and sped away east on 51st Street. Both were described as Hispanic men age 18-21 with medium complexions. One was about 5-foot-1, and the other was about 5-foot-11.
* * *
If you live in and/or own a business in CPD Beat 811 and want to help prevent crime in Garfield Ridge (west of Central Avenue), please attend the next meeting of the Garfield Ridge Neighborhood Watch, set for 7 p.m. Monday, January 18 at the CFD firehouse at 56th and Narragansett. The GRNW is one of Chicago's most active and effective citizen-led crime fighting groups. This is the group to join! This month's guest speaker is longtime Garfield Ridge resident Ed Leighton, who will share his experiences after having completed the Citizens Police Academy Training program offered by CPD. Overflow parking available in the Kennedy High School parking lot, a half-block to the south of the firehouse featured topic is fire safety. Those in attendance are in for a treat, literally, as they sample genuine CFD chili cooked in the firehouse by firefighters.
Purse snatcher drags woman
A 58-year-old Oak Lawn woman trying to hang onto her purse was knocked to the ground and dragged about 10 feet, before the strap broke and she lost control of her belongings. The crime occurred at 11:20 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6 as the victim was walking in a parking lot outside U.S. Bank, 3525 W. 63rd Street. The purse contained $100 cash, in addition to other belongings. The offender fled in a four-door, beige Nissan Altima with another offender, the victim and witnesses said. The robbers were described as black men age 30-40, 6-foot-1 and 250 pounds, with dark complexions. One was wearing a black baseball cap, a beige jacket and black sweatpants.
SUV, Harley swiped from garage
Burglars entered a home near 61st and Melvina, ransacked the premises, stole two sets of vehicle keys and stole a 2008 Chevy Tahoe and a 2014 Harley-Davidson motorcycle from the garage. The victim, a 38-year-old man, was on vacation at the time. The crime was discovered by his mother, who was checking the house. Police said they saw no sign of forced entry.
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Want to work directly with Chicago Police to prevent crime in your neighborhood? If you live in Beat 811 (see map), come to Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 19 and attend your monthly CAPS meeting. Hear updates on crime in your neighborhood and learn how you can work with neighbors and police to make the community safer and better for all. Bonus: 14th Ward Alderman Edward M. Burke is scheduled to attend and address concerns about crime in the beat.
Cash, antique sword snatched by burglars
Burglars pried open the rear window of a house near 53rd and Ridgeway and stole $4,000 cash, assorted jewelry, assorted hand tools, a three-foot-long antique sword. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 54-year-old man, at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 7.
Burglars hit pickup truck
Burglars entered a garage near 58th Place and Hamlin and stole a number of belongings from a pickup truck parked inside, including a stereo system, assorted tools, a backpack and $30 cash. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 43-year-old man, at 4:55 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 7.
Bathroom window easy entry for burglars
Burglars entered the unlocked bathroom window of a home near 60th and Springfield and stole a TV, a laptop computer, assorted jewelry, a GPS unit and assorted personal identification items, according to the victim, a 44-year-old man. The crime was discovered by his father, a 72-year-old man, at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6.
Burglars leave Burger King empty-handed
Burglars broke through a side window of the Burger King at 5211 S. Cicero, but apparently failed to steal anything of value. The crime was discovered by a manager opening up for the day at 4:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 7.
House on Karlov burglarized
Burglars broke through the rear window of a house near 46th and Karlov and stole a TV, a video game console, an IPad and three passports. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 40-year-old man, when he and his family came home at 7:50 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 7.
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Chicago Police are warning the community about a case of criminal sexual abuse that reportedly occurred at about 6:20 a.m. Friday, January 15 in the West Elsdon neighborhood (specifically, the 5200 block of South Pulaski).
A 14-year-old girl riding a CTA bus on the way to school reported that a man "made inappropriate physical contact while making unwanted advances towards her," police said. "As the victim got out of her seat to exit the bus, the offender grabbed her in an attempt to convince her to stay."
The offender is described as a Hispanic man age 20-27, 5-foot-4 and slim-to-medium build, with curly brown hair and a full beard with connected mustache, and wearing headphones, a black or gray jacket and baggy, green camouflage pants.
He was carrying a book bag.
Anyone with useful information to share about the crime should call CPD Area Central detectives at (312) 747-8380 and mention case number HZ116248.
In the wake of the crime, police offered this advice:
• Always be aware of your surroundings
• Walk/ride in pairs or groups
• Dial 9-1-1 to report suspicious activity immediately
• Never pursue a fleeing assailant; instead, provide the information to the police.
# # #
Those who plan to work as umpires this baseball season are invited to a free series of clinics that start at 2 p.m. Saturday, January 16 at Hale Park, 6258 West 62nd Street.
Participants must be age 13 and up.
There will be a clinic every two weeks until the season starts, according to District 15 Umpire-in-Chief Ron Shell, host of the clinics.
Each session will be unique and contain information not covered in the others, so participants are encouraged to attend all sessions.
Participants will receive a free gift at each session.
For more information, contact Shell at drshell1981@yahoo.com.
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Editor's note: The crime news reported by the Southwest Chicago Post---taken directly from Chicago Police Department incident reports---is not by any means an exhaustive catalogue of all crime reported in the Chicago Lawn (8th) District. For example, it typically does not include news of crimes committed in the eastern and southern sectors of the district---because the Southwest Chicago Post's coverage area is primarily the neighborhoods that border Midway Airport and secondarily because including the relatively large volume of crime news from elsewhere in the district would be a logistical challenge. We make this note to offer a little helpful perspective and remind everyone that while crime is definitely a concern in all parts of the district (as it always has been), crime remains relatively low overall in Sector 1. May all of us work together diligently to keep it that way. May all of us also remember that a person charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
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Police charge 2 with freight train burglary
Two Wrightwood men are charged with burglary after they allegedly broke into at least
Brandon Moore |
one freight container on a flatbed car on the CSX railroad tracks near 82nd and Campbell minutes after midnight Sunday, Jan. 3.
Brandon T. Moore, 27, of 79th and Troy, and Darius L. Johnson, 25, of 83rd and Artesian, are currently held on $100,000 bond and are set to appear in court at 51st and Wentworth on Monday.
A CSX security officer told police that he spotted the pair using a bolt cutter to break the seals on at least one container before fleeing.
Darius Johnson |
They were apprehended after a foot chase, police said, and a bolt cutter was recovered from the scene.
Burglars swipe two safes from dollar store
Burglars broke through an adjoining wall, entered the Dollar Store at 5839 S. Kedzie, and made off with two safes containing more than $10,000, according to the store owner. The crime occurred at 8:30 p.m. on Christmas Day, according to a video surveillance camera. The offender sped away in a van, the victim added.
Elderly man tackled, robbed
A 75-year-old Garfield Ridge man was tackled and robbed of $197 as he walked down a sidewalk in front of 5440 S. Nagle at 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 27. The victim told police he had just been at the currency exchange near Archer and Nashville to pay bills and was walking home when the attack occurred. The offender was described as a black man age 16-25, 5-foot-10 and 140 pounds, with brown eyes, black hair and a dark complexion.
Want to work directly with Chicago Police to prevent crime in your neighborhood? If you live in Beat 812 (see map), come to the Clearing Branch Library at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 13. Hear updates on crime in your neighborhood and learn how you can work with neighbors and police to make the community safer and better for all.
Was robbed at gunpoint, woman says
A 26-year-old Garfield Ridge woman said she was robbed at gunpoint as she walked down a sidewalk in front of 6274 S. Archer at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 23, although she did not report the crime until six days later. She told police she was approached by two men with a gun, who demanded cash. When she said she had no cash, they stole a ring and necklace, she said. She described the offenders as black men age 27-32, wearing ski masks.
Pizza delivery driver robbed at knifepoint
A driver for Pizza Castle, 3256 W. 55th St., was robbed at knifepoint as he made a food delivery to a residence near 58th and Whipple at 7:50 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 26. The victim, a 43-year-old West Lawn man, told police that as two men pretending to be customers motioned him over to where they stood, a third man with a knife walked up from behind and demanded the food and cash. The driver surrendered the food and about $90 cash, and the trio ran away through a gangway. They were described as Hispanic men age 20-35, of varying heights and weights. One offender had a tattoo above his left eye, which extended to his left cheek.
Vagrant asks for cigarette, robs woman
A 49-year-old Woodlawn woman told police she was robbed as she stood in front of 6248 S. Francisco at 8:10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 26. The victim said she was approached by a man who asked for 50 cents to buy a loose cigarette. When he saw she was carrying cash, he grabbed $62 from her coat pocket and ran away east through a nearby alley. The offender was described as a local vagrant, a black man age 42, 6-foot-1 and 180 pounds, with brown eyes, short black hair and a dark complexion.
Homeless man beaten, robbed
A 45-year-old homeless man was punched and then robbed by a trio of toughs as he walked down a sidewalk in front of 5100 S. Pulaski at about 2 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 31. The robbers stole $70 cash and three thin jackets the man had been wearing. They fled in an unknown direction, and the victim was transported by CFD ambulance to Holy Cross Hospital. The thugs were described only as white men.
Teens robbed in Ford City parking lot
Two teenage boys—a 15-year-old from Chicago Lawn and a 14-year-old from Woodlawn—were robbed at gunpoint as they walked through the parking lot of Ford City Mall, 7601 S. Cicero, at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30. The boys told police they were walking toward Wendy’s when a black Chevy Impala drove up and three occupants with guns demanded their belongings. The victims surrendered a belt, a pair of earrings and 50 cents before the robbers sped away. The offenders were described only as four black men and a black woman.
Burglars fail to break into garage
Burglars tried but apparently failed to break into a garage near 67th and Kolmar. The crime and damage to the service door was discovered by the victim, a 34-year-old woman, at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 26.
Meat missing from pancake house
Burglars smashed a front window of Masters Pancake House, 5265 S. Cicero, entered and stole about $500 worth of frozen meat. The crime was discovered by police responding to an alarm at 2:25 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 27.
Mink coat and more stolen from vacationing man
Burglars forced open the back door of a home near 84th and Hamlin and stole a TV, a mink coat, four watches and a computer. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 52-year-old man, when he returned from a two-week Florida vacation at 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 27.
Tommy Hilfiger boots swiped by burglars
Burglars forced open the door of a garage near 64th and Laramie and stole four rims, a stereo system, an amplifier, a pair of Tommy Hilfiger boots and other items. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 39-year-old woman, at 11 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 23, but not reported until four days later.
Garage burglarized on 57th Place
Burglars forced their way into a garage near 57th Place and Hamlin and stole an air compressor and a snow blower. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 36-year-old man, when he came home from work at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 28.
Burglar swipes mail carrier’s purse
A 26-year-old U.S. Postal Service worker reported that a man stole her purse from her USPS vehicle while she was making a delivery in the 3400 block of West 83rd Place at 3:20 p.m. Monday, Dec. 28. The offender was described as a black man age 30-40, 5-foot-9 and 155 pounds, with a light complexion. He was wearing a black leather trench coat and a black Kangol-brand cap.
Burglar takes packages from mail vehicle
A U.S. Postal Service worker reported that her USPS vehicle was burglarized while she was delivering mail near 51st and Kilbourn shortly after 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 28. The offender smashed a glass window of the vehicle and stole an undisclosed amount of packages.
Bedrooms ransacked in Kedvale burglary
A 63-year-old Archer Heights woman reported that burglars pried open the back door of her home near 45th and Kedvale, ransacked two bedrooms and stole assorted pieces of jewelry. The crime was discovered at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 29. A neighbor who may have witnessed part of the crime said he saw a maroon Ford parked in the alley by the victim’s garage.
Elderly man loses snow blower to burglars
Burglars entered a garage near 55th Place and Lawndale and stole a snow blower. The crime was discovered by the victim, an 80-year-old man, at 6 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30. There was no apparent sign of forced entry, according to the police report.
Wedding band stolen from apartment
Burglars entered an apartment near 53rd and Kildare and stole a gold wedding band and three gold chains. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 45-year-old woman, at 10:15 p.m. New Year’s Day.
Three saws swiped from garage
Burglars forced open the overhead door of a garage near 63rd and Laporte and stole three saws. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 63-year-old man, at 5:50 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 2. A witness told police he saw a SUV speed away from the scene.
Burglars hit garage on 59th Street
Burglars kicked in the service door of a garage near 59th and Mulligan and stole a lawn mower, an edger, a bicycle and assorted tools. The crime was discovered by the victim, a 31-year-old man, at 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 31.
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