Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Streets and San Grid System Coming

Here is an announcement just released by the Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation:

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New garbage pick-up schedule. 
The City of Chicago today announced plans to roll out the fifth phase of the grid garbage collection system to approximately 56,000 households on Chicago's southwest side beginning December 10, 2012.  The transition will take place in wards 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, and 23.

"By implementing the grid garbage system we can save money without impacting the quality of service," said Mayor Rahm Emanuel.  "We are choosing efficiency over politics, and the taxpayers will benefit."

The grid system, widely used by municipalities and private refuse haulers, changes collection routes from non-linear ward geography to a system of routes bordered by main streets and natural boundaries. The service model concentrates sanitation workers in targeted areas of the city each day and creates balanced service regions to improve daily collection performance.

By utilizing more efficient routes, the Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation can provide the same weekly refuse services to Chicago residents while saving millions in operation costs by using fewer resources, such as crews, vehicles and fuel.

Under the leadership of Mayor Emanuel, the Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation has successfully adopted similar grid-based reforms in the graffiti and forestry service areas that have led to significant increases in productivity and efficiency.

The grid refuse routes were developed by the Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation with the assistance of outside consultants.  In order to make the routes as efficient as possible, the grids were thoroughly vetted by the ward superintendents who provided valuable feedback about their service area.

"I support any measure that allows us to provide residents with great service while making the best use of taxpayer resources," said Alderman JoAnn Thompson, 16th Ward.  "We are working with the Department of Streets and Sanitation to ensure the move to the grid system will be successful, and residents will continue to receive the same quality refuse collection services they deserve."

In coordination with aldermanic offices and community groups, the City of Chicago is educating residents about the grid system and potential day of week service changes through a targeted public outreach campaign.  The campaign includes media relations, direct-to-consumer outreach and social media engagement.

The department will finalize preparations for the transition to the grid system during the week of December 3, 2012, when crews will post "Change in Garbage Service Day" notices to garbage carts to inform residents within the boundaries of their new day of service effective December 10, 2012.

The notices will also inform residents who receive curbside blue cart recycling services that their recycling day of service will also change to the same day as their garbage pickup. Residents who receive alley blue cart recycling services will maintain their same week of service, though their day of collection may change.  Residents with alley blue cart services should leave their carts in the alley for their entire collection week to ensure service.

During the first four phases, the Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation successfully transitioned half of the city, approximately 300,000 households, onto the grid garbage collection system.

Residents who would like more information about the grid garbage collection system and related service changes are encouraged to visit the Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation website at www.cityofchicago.org/dss, call 311 or contact their local ward office.

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Crime News Update

Editor's note: The crime news reported by the Southwest Chicago Post---taken directly from Chicago Police Department incident reports---is not by any means an exhaustive catalogue of all crime reported in the Chicago Lawn (8th) District. For example, it typically does not include news of crimes committed in the eastern and southern sectors of the district---because the Southwest Chicago Post's coverage area is primarily the neighborhoods that border Midway Airport and secondarily because including the relatively large volume of crime news from elsewhere in the district would be a logistical challenge. We make this note to offer a little helpful perspective and remind everyone that while crime is definitely a concern in all parts of the district (as it always has been), crime remains relatively low overall in Sector 1. May all of us work together diligently to keep it that way. May all of us also remember that a person charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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An alert neighbor who called 911 and an eagle-eyed police sergeant who took swift action foiled a quartet of burglars just minutes after they hit a home near 58th and Neva.

Arrested were four Brighton Park men: Ruben Diosdado, 34, of 45th and Washtenaw; Ricardo Rodriguez, 21, of 45th and Campbell; Eliodoro Mundo, 22, of 46th and Talman; and Jorge Mundo, 23, of 46th and Talman. Police said that Rodriguez is an admitted gangbanger.
Ruben Diosdado

The crime occurred at 9:14 a.m. Monday, November 26. A 67-year-old neighbor of the victim told police that he saw a black Ford van pull up to the victim's home. Two men got out and rang the doorbell of the home. When there was no answer (the victim---a 49-year-old woman---was not home), the van pulled into the driveway. His suspicion aroused, the neighbor called police.

The witness told police that several minutes later, the van pulled out of the driveway and headed north on Neva.
Ricardo Rodriguez

A CPD sergeant who was nearby spotted a vehicle matching the description and curbed it in front of 5515 South Harlem. Inside the van in plain view, according to police, were two TVs, a microwave oven and pillow cases with items inside.

As police placed the four men inside the van in custody, one reportedly admitted guilt and expressed astonishment at the swift and effective police work by saying "F~ck man, how did you catch us? We were already gone and thought we were home."
Eliodoro Mundo

Police took the van back to 58th and Neva, where the witness positively identified it as the one he saw. The vehicle, owned by Diosdado, was then impounded by police.

The four suspects were taken to the CPD Eighth District Station for processing. While there, one of the four allegedly explained the situation by saying "We were just taking this stuff for money---to pay the rent, man."
Jorge Mundo

The victim was located and arrived at the police station---where she identified the recovered goods as hers. They included two TVs, a microwave oven, a jewelry box with assorted jewelry, a tin box with assorted jewelry, three sweatshirts, and a small assortment of foreign currency.

According to police, the four men are scheduled to appear in Cook County Circuit Court Branch 48-4, 155 West 51st Street, at 1:00 p.m. Monday, December 3.

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A 45-year-old Clarendon Hills man and a blond-haired female prostitute in a second-floor room at the Sportsman's Inn, 4501 South Cicero, were interrupted by an armed robber at 12:45 a.m. Monday, November 26.
4501 South Cicero

The thug pointed a pistol at the man and said "Be cool or I'll f~ckin' kill you." He then went through the man's pockets and stole a cell phone and a wallet (which contained $65 cash, a driver's license, credit/debit cards and a FOID card).

Not satisfied with his take, the robber ordered the man out of the room and into the victim's car, a 2006 Dodge Stratus, and ordered him to drive to an ATM and withdraw cash.

The victim complied and handed over an additional $260. He was then forced out of his car at an alley near 47th and Keating; the thug drove away. The victim then ran to the Subway sandwich shop at 4735 South Cicero and called 911.

The car was later recovered by police in front of 4622 South Leamington.

The CPD incident report did not say if anything was stolen from the prostitute.

The robber was described as a black man age 20, 5'7 and 200 pounds, short black hair, dark complexion, wearing a black hooded jacket.

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A crook snatched the cash register from the Little Caesars Pizza at 5601 South Harlem and fled east on 56th Street.
5601 South Harlem

The crime occurred at 6:55 p.m. Sunday, November 25, according police. Restaurant management said there was about $50-$70 cash in the register.

Two witnesses--an 18-year-old woman and a 19-year-old man---told police they think the thief may have had an accomplice acting as a lookout.

They described the thief as a white man age 18-21, 5'10 to 6'0 and 150-170 pounds, light complexion, wearing a black hoodie and black pants.

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A 40-year-old Brighton Park woman walking near 47th and Cicero at 12:45 a.m. Monday, November 26 told police that she was robbed by a criminal who appeared to have a gun or other weapon under his sweater.

The crook took her purse, removed the contents ($880 cash, a credit card, and a Puerto Rican ID card), slammed the purse to the ground and fled.

She described him as a white man 25-35 years old, 5'5, short black hair, light complexion, wearing a black sweater.

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Three thugs---two men and a woman---snatched the purse of a 50-year-old Lemont woman as she walked toward her car in the parking lot of Shop & Save Market, 5829 South Archer.

5829 South Archer
The strong-arm robbery occurred at about 8:00 a.m. Friday, November 23. The female robber snatched the purse away from the victim and jumped into a getaway vehicle---a black four-door vehicle. The victim chased and jumped into the back seat of the vehicle, fighting unsuccessfully to get her purse back. According to police, the offenders pushed the victim out of the vehicle while it was moving.

The black vehicle then sped away north on Linder. The female robber then jumped into a blue SUV that sped away west on Archer.

The victim described the female robber as a white woman age 20-25, 5'3 and 120 pounds, medium length strawberry blond hair, fair complexion. There was no description provided of the two men.

In the victim's purse was $205 cash, four credit cards and IDs.

Police said they planned to review Shop & Save surveillance video.

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A 20-year-old woman from Cicero was beaten and robbed in a parking lot in Clearing at 6:15 a.m. Thursday, November 22.

5650 West 63rd Street
The woman told police that she had just left a party after fighting with her boyfriend. She walked down 63rd Street confused because she was unfamiliar with the area. As she began to walk through a narrow parking lot at 5650 West 63rd Street (immediately west of the vacant storefront that was Don Wan Florist), she was approached by a criminal who asked "Hey, what are you doing?" He then punched her in the nose, knocked her to the ground, snatched her purse and ran away south.

In her purse were a wallet, $45 cash and assorted other items.

Although the victim suffered a bloody nose and scratches to her back, she refused medical attention, police said.

She described the attacker as a white man age 19-22, 5'8 to 5'9 and 140-150 pounds, green eyes, blond hair, light complexion, wearing a blue hoodie with yellow writing and dark blue jeans.

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A 30-year-old Vittum Park man and a 43-year-old Back of the Yards man were beaten by a cluster of 15 thugs at the corner of 47th and Laporte at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, November 24.

The men told police they were leaving a house near the corner when they saw the group surrounding a 40-year-old man. When the pair rushed over to defend the man surrounded, they were beaten by the group with punches, kicks and an unknown blunt object.

After the group of attackers left, the two men were transported via ambulance to hospitals---one to MacNeal, the other to Mount Sinai.

They described the thugs as black men in their early 20s. No further details were given.

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A Scottsdale man was robbed at gunpoint as he walked west near 83rd and Keeler at 12:25 a.m. Saturday, November 24.

He told police that four men in a black, four-door Chevy Cavalier (with a dented passenger-side front) pulled up. One man jumped out, brandished a pistol and said "Give me your stuff."

The victim handed over his belongings; and then the robber jumped back in the car, which sped away east on 83rd Street.

Stolen were a cell phone, an iPod and a wallet containing credit/debit cards, $80 cash and a Matricula card.

The four offenders were described as black men ages 20-25 years old. The gun man was described as 5'8 and 155 pounds, wearing a black jacket, black ski mask and blue jeans.

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Two burglars fled a home near 73rd and Ridgeway after an 18-year-old man and his dog fought back.

The crime occurred at about 1:50 p.m. Saturday, November 24.

When the 18-year-old heard the burglars in the home, he grabbed a kitchen knife and hid in a closet. A short time later, after several belongings had been stolen, the victim burst from the closet to confront the burglars. During the ensuing struggle, the victim's dog bit one of the crooks on the leg.

The criminals fled in an unknown direction.

Stolen were a PlayStation 3 video game console and an iPod.

The burglars were described as white Hispanic men age 27-35, both about 5'9 and 130 pounds, both with black hair (one with long hair, the other with a shaved hair style). The victim told police he has seen them in the neighborhood before and could identify them if he saw them again.

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A 29-year-old Chicago Lawn man told police he was robbed at knife point on the front porch of a house near 67th and Keeler at 8:17 p.m. Friday, November 23.

After robbing the victim, the criminal jumped into a white vehicle and sped away north.

Stolen were the victim's cell phone and wallet with $50 cash.

The victim described the offender only as a white Hispanic man age 20-23.

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A Back of the Yards man was robbed at gun point as he stood at a bus stop at 47th and Knox at 6:14 p.m. Wednesday, November 21.

Two criminals walked up to him, one asking "How much longer before the bus gets here?" and "What model cell phone do you have?" and "Can I borrow your phone?" The other thug then pulled a black pistol, and the victim surrendered his cell phone. The pair then ran away west toward Cicero Avenue.

The crooks were described as black men ages 18, both about 5'8 and 140 pounds. The gun man wore a white hoodie. The other wore a black jacket with a white star on the back and dark blue jeans.

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Burglars removed the window of a garage near 58th and Mobile, knocked down a ladder, stole three bicycles, opened the overhead door and fled.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 53-year-old woman, at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 21.

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Burglars entered the front door of an apartment near 59th and Lawndale and stole a TV, an Xbox video game console, assorted video games, a bracelet, and $400 cash.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 40-year-old woman, when she came home from work at noon Wednesday, November 21. There was no sign of forced entry, and all doors were locked; but the victim told police that the burglars may have used a spare key she routinely hid outside.

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Burglars broke a rear window of a home near 45th and Kilpatrick and stole a PlayStation 3 video game console, an Xbox video game console and assorted games, a portable Xbox, a laptop computer, a computer router, and two DirectTV boxes.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 31-year-old woman, at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 20 when she came home and saw the window shattered and the back door open.

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Burglars kicked through the bottom panel of the side door of a home near 59th and Rutherford, entered and stole a laptop computer, a tablet computer, a gold bracelet, a gold necklace, a pair of earrings and $1,600 cash.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 57-year-old man, when he came home at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 21.

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Want to work directly with Chicago Police to prevent crime in your neighborhood? If you live in Beat 813 or Beat 833 (see map above), come to West Lawn Park at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 27. Hear updates on crime in your neighborhood and learn how you can work with neighbors and police to make the community safer and better for all.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Trees Sprout in Garfield Ridge

For many years, one of the surest signs of the holiday season has been the annual re-appearance of the Christmas tree lot just east of Archer and Oak Park.

The trees arrived about a week ago---wrapped in netting and carefully laid out in a row.

Then around Thanksgiving, a crew came out to unwrap the trees, trim the trunks and set them up on display---ready for sale.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Crime News Update

Editor's note: The crime news reported by the Southwest Chicago Post---taken directly from Chicago Police Department incident reports---is not by any means an exhaustive catalogue of all crime reported in the Chicago Lawn (8th) District. For example, it typically does not include news of crimes committed in the eastern and southern sectors of the district---because the Southwest Chicago Post's coverage area is primarily the neighborhoods that border Midway Airport and secondarily because including the relatively large volume of crime news from elsewhere in the district would be a logistical challenge. We make this note to offer a little helpful perspective and remind everyone that while crime is definitely a concern in all parts of the district (as it always has been), crime remains relatively low overall in Sector 1. May all of us work together diligently to keep it that way. May all of us also remember that a person charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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A "Loser" t-shirt apparently was a good fit for a criminal who tried but failed to break into a garage near 46th and Hamlin at about 3:30 a.m. Sunday, November 18.

(example only)
According to a 62-year-old homeowner's video surveillance camera trained on the garage, the would-be burglar and an accomplice spent up to nine minutes trying unsuccessfully to break into the garage via the service door before noticing the camera, giving up and running away.

The average burglar can get into a garage in under a minute, according to law enforcement authorities.

The victim discovered the damaged but still locked service door later in the morning, reviewed the video and contacted police.

The crook wearing the "Loser" t-shirt appeared to be a white man age 25-35 wearing a baseball cap, according to the homeowner. She is sharing video with police for further analysis.

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A pair of criminals walked into Lyla Jewelers in Ford City at 5:05 p.m. Sunday, November 18. One attempted to distract a sales clerk (a 39-year-old Burbank man) as the other pulled out a hammer and smashed a display case---taking a jewelry box and a tray of 18 white gold rings valued at $17,000 before fleeing the mall.

The robbers were described as black men---one about age 20 and the other 20-29 years old, both about 6'0 and 160-190 pounds, medium complexion.

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Two thugs snatched a gold chain with a religious cross pendant off the neck of an 87-year-old man in front of his apartment near 48th and Karlov.

The crime occurred at 11:55 a.m.Monday, November 19. According to a 30-year-old neighbor who witnessed the aftermath, the two robbers ran south on Karlov and were later spotted heading into Super Mall of the Midway, 5220 South Pulaski.

Through a Polish-language interpreter, the victim described the offenders as white Hispanic boys ages 16-17. One was 5'2 to 5'5 and 110-130 pounds; the other was 5'7 to 5'10 and 140-150 pounds. Both wore dark clothes.

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A 43-year-old Cicero man delivering food for Villa Rosa Pizza was robbed in a yard near 50th and Kolin at about 9:45 p.m. Sunday, November 18.

A trio of thugs walked up and said "Let's stab 'em" before grabbing him and forcibly taking from him a cell phone, a wallet with personal IDs and three credit/debit cards, a cell phone, a WiFi hotspot device, a black North Face fleece jacket and $150 cash.

The robbers then fled east through a gangway a down a street.

They are described as two white Hispanic men and one black Hispanic man, all ages 18-25 and wearing dark clothing and hoodies.

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A dispute over a bicycle led to the stabbing of a 23-year-old West Elsdon man at 3:20 p.m. Sunday, November 18 on the street near 55th and Springfield.

The victim saw a man riding a bike that appeared to be one that had been stolen from him. He confronted the man, an argument ensued, and the man stabbed the victim the groin before riding away west toward Pulaski.

The victim was treated at the scene by paramedics and transported by CFD ambulance to Christ Hospital and Medical Center.

The offender was described as a black man age 25, wearing a black skull cap, gray sweatshirt and blue jeans.

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Burglars broke through the service door of a garage near 70th Place and Central Park and stole a rented power washer.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 43-year-old man, when he came home at 3:20 a.m. Tuesday, November 20 and saw both garage doors open.

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Burglars forced open the service door of a garage near 61st and Neenah and stole a snow blower, a lawn mower, a power washer, a generator and assorted power tools.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 31-year-old woman, at about 4:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 20 after she was woken up by a noise and saw the backyard gate open and the service door forced open.

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Burglars broke through the service door of a garage near 57th and Parkside and stole a car parked inside---a 1982 Cadillac Seville four-door sedan, white and maroon/burgundy in color.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 75-year-old man, at about 11:00 a.m. Monday, November 19.

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Burglars entered the back door of a home near 85th and Kildare and stole a TV and up to $20,000 worth of jewelry, according to the victim, a 59-year-old man.

The crime was reportedly discovered at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 20; but was not reported to police until more than eight hours later.

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Burglars shattered the back window of a home near 60th and Tripp, entered via the back door and stole a camera and assorted jewelry.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 59-year-old man, when he came home from work at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 20.

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A 15-year-old Chicago Lawn boy and a 15-year-old West Elsdon girl were robbed of their cell phones and a total of $15 cash as they walked north on a sidewalk near 61st and Hamlin at about 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 19.

Two thugs approached them and asked the boy "What are you?" When the boy denied any gang affiliation, the robbers flashed gang signs and instructed the victims to stand still. They then went through their pockets. As they left, they told the victims they might get their phones back if they joined the gang.

Police noted that one of the robbers was described as a white man age 19-20, 6'0 and 140 pounds with light brown hair.

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Burglars forced open the service door of a garage near 46th and Komensky and stole an air compressor, a lawn mower, a snow blower, a tool set and a radio.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 20-year-old man, when he returned from vacation at 5:00 p.m. Thursday, November 15.

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Want to work directly with Chicago Police to prevent crime in your neighborhood? If you live in Beat 813 or Beat 833 (see map), come to West Lawn Park at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 27. Hear updates on crime in your neighborhood and learn how you can work with neighbors and police to make the community safer and better for all.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Police Advise Caution, Common Sense During the Christmas Shopping Season

A note of Christmas-season caution was sounded---and practical advice delivered---at tonight's Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) meeting in Garfield Ridge.

"When you're out shopping on Black Friday or any day ahead, remember to lock your car doors; and above all, make sure that the things you buy are not sitting inside your car where they can be seen by others," said CPD Sergeant Allen Cain, CAPS coordinator in the Eighth District. "Put your bags and packages in the trunk; and don't even leave change sitting out in the open. A criminal will break into your car just for that."

The November CAPS meeting for the Eighth Police District’s Beat 811 (see clickable beat map) was held at Good Shepherd Church. About 20 people attended.

Cain also reminded everyone to be aware of their surroundings---and to let children know the same. "How many of us see kids walking around like this?" he asked while pantomiming a person walking down the street, staring at a cell phone---drawing chuckles and nods of recognition from several people in the audience.

He cautioned against con artists making holiday-themed solicitations, and advised everyone to avoid putting boxes from big-ticket items out by the garbage cart. "If you just got that big new flat-screen TV, don't let everyone else know it by putting the empty box out in the alley all week," Cain said. He advised keeping such packaging hidden until garbage pick-up day.

Cain's advice was echoed by an off-duty CPD officer in the audience who said that "...thefts and burglaries will go up" this holiday season, especially in a relatively affluent city neighborhood like Garfield Ridge. He also warned against robberies on the street, especially of young people. "These people, they come into this neighborhood three or four in a car, looking for anyone they can rob. They're not looking for big bucks. They'll take anything you have on you---even for just ten bucks and an iPhone because they know all these kids have iPhones. And then they jump back in their car, get on the Stevenson at Harlem and head east---or get on Archer and go east---and that's it."

He also sounded a note of caution about technicians who need to enter homes and claimed that a TV service installer who was in his home returned several days later in an apparent attempt to case his house for a burglary. He reminded everyone to check service workers' photo IDs and keep copies of work orders.

The next CAPS meeting for Beat 811 is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 18 at Good Shepherd, 5556 South Merrimac. All local residents are encouraged to attend. For more details, phone the Eighth District CAPS Office at 312-747-8724.

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After Months of Delay, 63rd Street Repaved

This week, road crews were in the Clearing neighborhood---tearing up and then repaving a section of 63rd Street (from Oak Park Avenue west to the railroad tracks just east of Harlem Avenue).

The work comes after more than six months' worth of complaints by Clearing residents and untold wear and tear on thousands of cars, vans, trucks and other vehicles that drove over a block-long (Sayre to Nottingham) patch of rough concrete laid down by the city as a temporary fix after Chicago Department of Water Management crews tore up the street in the spring to replace water mains.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Crime News Update

Editor's note: The crime news reported by the Southwest Chicago Post---taken directly from Chicago Police Department incident reports---is not by any means an exhaustive catalogue of all crime reported in the Chicago Lawn (8th) District. For example, it typically does not include news of crimes committed in the eastern and southern sectors of the district---because the Southwest Chicago Post's coverage area is primarily the neighborhoods that border Midway Airport and secondarily because including the relatively large volume of crime news from elsewhere in the district would be a logistical challenge. We make this note to offer a little helpful perspective and remind everyone that while crime is definitely a concern in all parts of the district (as it always has been), crime remains relatively low overall in Sector 1. May all of us work together diligently to keep it that way. May all of us also remember that a person charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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A 19-year-old cashier at the Garfield Ridge McDonald's---who police say is an admitted gangbanger---was arrested after he allegedly threw a 12-ounce cup of hot coffee at a 79-year-old customer.

Jerry "Jay" Minard of 63rd Place and Major was charged with misdemeanor battery.

6720 West Archer

According to police, the incident occurred at 9:50 a.m. Friday, November 16 at the McDonald's at 6720 West Archer. Minard and the elderly customer reportedly became involved in an argument at the front counter when Minard allegedly threw the coffee at the senior citizen. The coffee hit the man in the chest and spilled down his clothes, reportedly causing a minor burn to his right leg. A Chicago Fire Department ambulance responded, but the man refused treatment.

Minard reportedly explained the situation by saying, "I got tired of him yelling at me, so I launched the coffee at him."

The Southwest Chicago Post has requested comment from McDonald's corporate officials in Oak Brook. A response has not been received yet.

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Three men were arrested Thursday, November 15 and charged in connection with the burglary of a home in West Lawn.

Saul Becerra-Lopez
Saul Becerra-Lopez, 22, of 47th and Fairfield; Jonathan Perez, 20, of 21st and Harding; and Juan Guzman, 18, of 56th and Kilbourn, were charged with burglary. Police said that all three are admitted gangbangers.

Police on a covert surveillance mission said their suspicions was aroused when they saw a vehicle park near the end of an alley and then suddenly speed down the alley. Police followed and reportedly saw several men fleeing from a yard near 65th Place and Lawndale. Units pursued and curbed the vehicle near 63rd Place and Springfield.

Jonathan Perez
Police said they found a screwdriver on Perez; and when they went back to the home where the men were observed fleeing, they found damage to a door.

They also found a silver metal watch and a can of coins on the three men.

Juan Guzman
The homeowner was contacted by police and said the coins and watch are his, and the three were arrested and charged.

In a routine check, police say they discovered that Guzman is a convicted burglar currently on probation.

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David Gutierrez

Two Brighton Park men were arrested at 2:05 a.m. Friday, November 16 after they allegedly stole several items from an unlocked car parked on the 5400 block of south Nordica.

David Gutierrez, 37 and Rudy Gutierrez, 20---both of Pershing and Albany---were charged with theft.

A 21-year-old man living on the block said he spotted the two walking up and down the block, peering into parked vehicles and checking door locks. The man said that the two ran away south toward Archer when they saw him watching them.

Rudy Gutierrez
He then called police, who spotted the pair standing on a corner at Archer and Sayre. They matched the description given by the caller. Police searched them and found a radar detector, a power inverter, a fanny pack with electric chargers, and a 2012 calendar inscribed with a specific address on the 5400 block of south Nordica.

Police brought the two back to the block, where they were positively identified by the witness.

Police said they saw a parked car with its driver-side door ajar and the glove compartment contents spilled onto the passenger seat. They contacted the owner, who said the items found on the two Gutierrez men are his.

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An 18-year-old Brighton Park man and a 17-year-old Archer Heights boy were robbed of their cell phones by two thugs at 6:40 p.m. Saturday, November 17 on the sidewalk in front of a funeral home at 5088 South Archer.

The victims told police that one of criminals said "I don't want to blast you. Give me everything you got." After taking the cell phones, the offenders fled on foot.

One of the robbers was described as a white Hispanic boy age 17, 5'10 to 6'0 and 200 pounds, shaved hair style, acne-scarred face, light complexion, wearing a gray hoodie. The other was described as a white Hispanic boy age 17, 5'4 and 130 pounds, dark complexion, wearing a black jacket and a black baseball cap with a red brim.

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Quick thinking thwarted the attempted robbery of a 17-year-old Archer Heights boy and a 17-year-old West Lawn boy at 4:22 p.m. Friday, November 16.

The boys were walking north near 50th and Kedvale when two criminals approached. One said "Give me whatever you have of value. Give me your jackets, your phones; and don't make me shoot you, 'cause I have a gun."

The boys responded by pretending they had reached their home---quickly walking up the steps of the nearest house and ringing the doorbell. When the homeowner answered and opened the door, the two thugs ran away south, then west through an alley.

The would-be robbers were described as white Hispanic males ages 16-18, one 5'9 to 5'10 and 200-210 pounds, brown eyes, black hair, fair complexion, wearing a gray hoodie; the other 5'5 to 5'7 and 140-160 pounds, olive complexion.

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A 67-year-old West Lawn man walking home was robbed of $300 cash he had just withdrawn from an ATM at the 7-Eleven at 4500 West 63rd Street.

The crime occurred at 11:00 a.m. Friday, November 16 at 61st and Tripp. Two crooks snuck up behind him, hit him on the back of the head with a blunt object, knocked him to the ground, grabbed his wallet and fled.

A witness told police she saw the pair jump into a brown, four-door vehicle and speed away. The two were described only as black men hearing dark clothing and hoods.

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A 48-year-old Hometown man raking leaves at a house near 78th and Knox was robbed at gunpoint by two thugs at 11:09 a.m. Wednesday, November 14.

They made off with his wallet, which contained his ID, credit cards, and $7 cash.

The robbers were described as black men ages 18-22, 6'0 and 170 pounds.

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Burglars broke through the rear door of a garage near 53rd and Melvina and stole a lawn mower and an air compressor.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 45-year-old woman, at 8:25 a.m. Friday, November 16 when a call from a security company woke her up and told her that the garage alarm had been triggered.

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Burglars entered the side door of a garage near 62nd and Monitor and stole assorted power tools.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 29-year-old man, at 4:45 a.m. Thursday, November 15 when he was alerted by a security company that his garage alarm had been triggered.

The victim did not alert police until 13 hours later---explaining that he had to leave for work.

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Burglars entered a home near 77th Place and Keeler and stole a laptop computer, an iPhone, $20 cash, assorted jewelry, and an estimated $1,000 worth of wrapped Christmas presents.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 65-year-old man, at 10:45 a.m. Friday, November 16. Both the front door and a rear basement door were open. There was no sign of forced entry, according to police.

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Burglars pried open the service door of a garage near 58th and Mason and stole numerous power tools.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 39-year-old man, at 1:00 p.m. Friday, November 16.

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Burglars forced open the service door of a garage near 54th and Massasoit and stole about a dozen power tools.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 37-year-old man, at 5:10 a.m. Thursday, November 15.

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Burglars pried open the side door of a home near 77th and Kenton and stole a TV, three gold rings, a watch, a jewelry box with assorted jewelry, and $300 cash.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 54-year-old woman, when she returned home at 12:10 p.m. Thursday, November 15.

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An alarm apparently scared off criminals attempting to burglarize a garage near 66th and Kostner at 11:56 a.m. Thursday, November 15.

The victim, a 57-year-old man, told police that nothing was stolen; but the rear door was damaged.

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Burglars entered the front window of a home near 82nd and Scottsdale and stole two TVs and a Kindle.

The crime was discovered by the victim, a 68-year-old man at 10:45 a.m. Thursday, November 15, when he returned home from running errands. He told police that he had left his front door unlocked because he did not plan to be gone long, and that he thought his dogs would scare away intruders.

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Want to work directly with Chicago Police to prevent crime in your neighborhood? If you live in Beat 811 (see map above), come to Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 20. Hear updates on crime in your neighborhood and learn how you can work with neighbors and police to make the community safer and better for all.

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